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Table 1 Demographic and physical characteristics at baseline measurement (n = 26)

From: Short-term effects of postural taping on pain and forward head posture: a randomized controlled trial


All subjects (n = 26)

Intervention group (n = 12)

Control group (n = 14)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Age (years)

25 ± 3.5

25.8 ± 3.0

24 ± 3.8

Height (cm)

172 ± 3.5

172.2 ± 4.9

172.2 ± 8.1

Weight (kg)

72 ± 12.8

73.4 ± 11.0

71.6 ± 14.1

Craniovertebral angle

35.5° ± 9.5

33° ± 11.2

37° ± 7.8

Female/male (n)





Median (min-max)

Median (min-max)

Median (min-max)

Level of physical exercise (0–5)*

4 (0–5)

4 (1–5)

3.5 (0–5)

Level of physical activity (0–6)**

4 (2–6)

5 (2–6)

3.5 (2–6)

Level of time sedentary (0–6)***

3 (1–6)

3 (1–6)

3.0 (2–6)

NDI (0–50, no disability to complete)

9.5 (0–19)

7 (2–14)

10 (0–19)

NRS (0–10, best to worse)

4 (2–7)

5 (3–7)

4 (2–7)

  1. *0 = 0 min to 5= > 120 min/week **0 = 0 min to 6= > 300 min/week, ***0 = “Never”, 1 = 1–3 h/day, 2 = 4–6 h/day, 3 = 7–9 h/day, 4 = 10–12 h/day, 5 = 13–15 h/day, 6 = Almost all day”
  2. NDI Neck Disability Index, NRS Numeric Rating Scale