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Table 1 Description of measurements

From: What is the relationship between the breech presentation and femoral trochlear dysplasia? An experimental study of the breech presentation model in neonatal rats

Morphological characteristics of the trochlear groove

Trochlear sulcus angle (∠ABC)

The angle between the slopes of the medial and lateral trochlear groove. (Fig. 2)

Trochlear sulcus depth (BD)

Line 1 is drawn across the trochlear groove of the medial and lateral condyles. Trochlear sulcus depth is the distance from the deepest portion (B) of the trochlear sulcus to line 1(D). (Fig. 2)

Trochlear sulcus width (AC)

The width is the distance from the lateral condyle (A) to the medial condyle (C). (Fig. 2)