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Table 1 Selection criteria

From: Bone marrow aspirate concentrate versus platelet-rich plasma for treating knee osteoarthritis: a one-year non-randomized retrospective comparative study

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

18 years of age or older

Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis or other lower extremities-affecting musculoskeletal diseases

Clinically and/or radiologically confirmed diagnosis of knee OA (KL grade 1–4) in the past 6 months

Widespread pain

Knee pain (≥2 on VAS scale) lasting for 6 months or longer


Willingness to discontinue analgesic medication for 48 h prior to each pain assessment

Knee surgery in the previous 6 months


Arthrocentesis or intra-articular conservative therapy injections in the last 3 months

History of stem cell knee injections

Inability to provide informed consent

  1. KL Kellgren Lawrence, OA Osteoarthritis, VAS Visual analogue scale