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Table 2 Baseline and follow-up patellar cartilage volume, cartilage volume change, and adjusted annual percentage change

From: Patellar cartilage increase following ACL reconstruction with and without meniscal pathology: a two-year prospective MRI morphological study


ACLR isolated

(n = 32)

ACLR combined (n = 25)

Controls (n = 9)

p value

Baseline cartilage volume (mm3)

3328 (822)

3470 (555)

3830 (836)


Follow-up cartilage volume (mm3)

3548 (854)

3596 (634)

3839 (937)


Patellar cartilage volume change (mm3)

220 (139, 301)1 a

126 (26, 226) a

9 (−165, 183)1


Annual percentage change in patellar cartilage volume (%)#

3.5 (2.3, 4.8)1 2

1.3 (−0.1, 2.8)2

−0.1 (−2.5, 2.3)1


  1. Baseline and follow-up patellar cartilage volume were presented as mean (SD). Patellar cartilage volume change and annual percentage change in patellar cartilage volume are presented as mean (95% confidence interval). Patellar cartilage volume change = follow-up volume - baseline volume, thus positive values represent an increase in cartilage volume
  2. *Significant difference (p < 0.05). #Adjusted for age, gender, BMI, baseline cartilage defect score, and baseline patellar bone volume. Post hoc was significantly different for 1 isolated ACLR versus controls, 2 isolated ACLR versus combined ACLR, a follow-up versus baseline