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Table 1 Pre-treatment characteristics of the total study sample, complete, and partial cases

From: Targeting self-efficacy more important than dysfunctional behavioral cognitions in patients with longstanding chronic low back pain; a longitudinal study

Pre-treatment characteristics

Total sample

(n = 524)

Complete cases

(n = 457)

Partial cases

(n = 67)


 Age, mean (SD) in years

45.4 (± 9.6)

45.5 (± 9.6)

44.5 (± 10.3)

 Gender, Female n (%),

303 (57.8)

270 (59.1)

33 (49.3)

 Employment status, Yes n (%)

356 (67.9)

317 (69.4)

39 (58.2)

CLBP History

 Duration of LBP, mean (SD) in years

12.5 (±10.8)

12.4 (±10.8)

13.4 (±10.7)

 Pain medication, Yes n (%)

454 (86.6)

397 (86.9)

57 (85.1)

 Previous surgery, Yes n (%)

169 (32.3)

142 (31.1)

27 (40.3)

 Current pain intensity (NPRS), mean (SD)

60.7 (± 21.1)

32.5 (± 10.8)

31.2 (± 12.1)

Primary outcome

 Functional status (ODI), mean (SD)

41.4 (± 14.1)

41.1 (± 14.1)

43.9 (± 15.8)

Secondary outcomes

 Self-efficacy (PSEQ), mean (SD)

32.4 (± 10.8)

32.5 (± 10.8)

31.2 (± 12.1)

Dysfunctional behavioural cognitions

 Catastrophizing (PCS), mean (SD)

22.9 (± 8.9)

22.9 (± 8.8)

24.0 (± 9.5)

 Fear of movement (TSK), mean (SD)

39.6 (± 6.4)

39.6 (± 6.4)

40.7 (± 6.7)

  1. ODI oswestry disability index; PSEQ pain self-efficacy questionnaire; PCS pain catastrophizing scale; TSK tampa scale for kinesiophobia; NPRS numeric pain rating scale