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Table 1 Phased Criteria for Progression of Therapeutic Exercise

From: The influence of a cognitive behavioural approach on changing patient expectations for conservative care in shoulder pain treatment: a protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial

Phase I:  Weeks 0–2

No activities that cause pain > 3/10.

Goal: Decrease inflammation and pain

Goal: Improve glenohumeral and scapulothoracic ROM

Goal: Address soft tissue restriction as it relates to postural positioning (i.e. Pectoralis Minor and Posterior Capsule)

Goal: Improve scapular neuromuscular control

Sample activities may include: PROM and/or AAROM activities to address range of motion deficits; Pectoralis Minor stretch on foam roll, cross body adduction stretch, thoracic mobilization on foam roll, postural corrective exercises, scapular setting with ROM activities in supine and progressing to standing; resisted scapular retraction; resisted scapular depression; resisted serratus anterior activities

Criteria to progress to Phase II:

- Demonstration of proper postural alignment with scapular setting - minimal upper trap activation, no scapular winging, or, if winging is present it must be asymptomatic with negative retraction and assistance tests

- Able to achieve full pain free passive flexion in supine.

- 80 % active flexion against gravity

- worst pain 5/10 or less during normal ADLs

Phase II:  Weeks 3–5

Progress from AAROM to AROM in progressively gravity dependent positions.

Closed chain exercises, resistance exercises below 90 degrees elevation, and stabilization exercises.

Goal: full pain free AROM in all planes with good mechanics

Goal: Increase strength/motor control of scapular and rotator cuff muscles for active use of arm

Sample activities may include: 90/90 Pectoralis Minor stretch, sleeper stretch, AROM activities with focus on proper movement pattern; prone mid trap and lower trap strengthening; resisted periscapular strengthening; resisted rotator cuff strengthening below shoulder height; closed chain stabilization activities with progressive weight bearing as long as scapula is stable and not winging under load.

Criteria to progress to Phase III:

- full pain free AROM shoulder flexion with symmetric mechanics and no or asymptomatic scapular dyskinesia

- 5/5 MMT of scapular and rotator cuff musculature or within 10 % of uninvolved upper extremity as measured with HHD

Phase III:   Weeks 6–8

Education to perform functional exercises maintaining postural awareness and scapular stabilization.

Advance rotator cuff and scapular strengthening exercises.

Goal: Normalize rotator cuff and scapular strengthening; restore pattern-generated movements

Goal: maintenance of posture and alignment to become subconscious

Goal: Integrate kinetic chain activities pertinent to sport/work demands

Goal: Return to normal function with ADLs and recreational activities

Sample activities may include: strengthening and stabilization activities above 90 degrees; diagonal patterns; dynamic activities to improve performance during functional and/or athletic tasks; core, balance, and endurance activities needed for work/sport

Criteria for discharge:

- Maintain full and pain-free AROM in all planes in seated or standing position with good mechanics (no or asymptomatic scapular dyskinesia)

- Demonstration of 5/5 MMT or 10 % margin as measured with HHD for shoulder flexion, abduction, rotator cuff, scapular stabilizing muscles

- MCIDDIC of outcome measures will demonstrate significant change in function

- Patient demonstrates independence with home exercise program and strategies for self-management of symptom resolution should they arise

  1. ROM Range of Motion, AROM Active Range of Motion, PROM Passive Range of Motion, ADL Activity of Daily Living, MMT Manual Muscle Test, HHD Hand Held Dynamometry, MCID Minimally Clinical Important Difference