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Table 1 Outcome measures

From: Responsiveness of five shoulder outcome measures at follow-ups from 3 to 24 months

Outcome measure



Patient rated outcome measures


21 questions answered on a continuous scale from 0 to 100 covering physical symptoms; sports; recreation and work; lifestyle; and emotions

0 to 2100 (worst possible condition)


12 questions with five response alternatives (5 to 0 points) covering instability, daily activities, pain, work, social life, sports/hobbies, attention to the shoulder problem, lifting and lying position

12 to 60 (worst possible function)


5 questions with three response categories covering mobility; self-care; usual activities; pain/discomfort; and anxiety/depression

−0.59 to 1.0 (best quality of life)

Clinician evaluated outcome measures

Rowe score#

5 domains evaluated: pain; stability; function, range of motion measured by a goniometer; and muscle strength using a spring gauge. Pain (25 points) and function were reported on five-step categorical scales.

0 to 100 (best possible state)

Constant-Murley Score

4 domains evaluated: pain intensity; activities of daily living (sleep, work, recreation and hand positioning); active range of motion measured by goniometer and strength of abduction measured with a spring gauge.

0 to 100 (best possible shoulder function)

  1. * For statistical analyses, WOSI and OISS scores were inverted for easier comparisons with the other outcome measures
  2. # At the follow-up examinations, patients were told to rate the state of their shoulder as excellent, good, fair or poor (Rowe Patient Evaluation)