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Table 1 Patients basic characteristics

From: Multivariate analysis of the relationship between gluteal muscle contracture and coxa valga


Mean [SD]

n (percent)

Age (years)

31.39 [6.58]


  < 30

24.72 [3.67]

77 (36.0%)


33.83 [2.86]

120 (56.1%)

  ≥ 40

44.29 [4.22]

17 (7.9%)




101 (47.2%)



113 (52.8%)

BMI (kg/m2)

22.37 [3.46]


  < 18.5

17.40 [0.90]

30 (14.0%)


21.88 [1.85]

140 (65.4%)

  > 25

27.33 [2.12]

44 (20.6%)




62 (29%)



152 (71%)

  1. SD standard deviation, BMI body mass index, GMC gluteal muscle contracture, − patients without GMC, + patients with GMC