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Table 1 Demographic Features

From: Evaluation of patients admitted with musculoskeletal tuberculosis: sixteen years’ experience from a single center in Turkey



Age (years)a

44.2± 16.7

49 (3-75)

Gender n, (%)

 - Male

14 (45.2)

 - Female

17 (54.8)

Age group (years) n, (%)

 - Pediatric (<18)

1 (3.2)

 - Adult (18-64)

28 (90.3)

 - Geriatric (≥ 65)

2 (6.5)

Race n, (%)

 - Turkish

29 (93.5)

 - Afghanistan

1 (3.2)

 - Syria

1 (3.2)

Occupation n, (%)

 - Housewife

12 (38.7)

 - Butcher

4 (12.9)

 - Student

4 (12.9)

 - Retired

4 (12.9)

 - Worker

2 (6.5)

 - Farmer

2 (6.5)

 - Cooker

1 (3.2)

 - Craftsman

1 (3.2)

 - Cooker

1 (3.2)

Family history of TB n, (%)

6 (19.4)

Concomitant Pulmonary TB n, (%)

6 (19.4)

  1. TB Tuberculosis
  2. amean ± S.D and median (minimum-maximum)