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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for participating in this trial

From: Repair versus reconstruction for proximal anterior cruciate ligament tears: a study protocol for a prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


 Complete primary ACL tear on physical examination and MRI

Complete ipsilateral concomitant knee ligament injury requiring surgery

 Tear in proximal quarter on MRI [50, 51]

Concomitant ipsilateral knee dislocation or patellar dislocation

 Age 18 – 50 years [22, 52]

Osteoarthritis KL grade ≥ 2

 Preinjury Tegner level ≥ 5 & desired Tegner level ≥ 5 [53]

Previous ipsilateral ACL reconstruction/repair

 Operation within 4 weeks of injury [54]

Intra-articular corticosteroids 6 months prior


No understanding of Dutch language or not capable of understanding the study and participation


No preoperative flexion of 90 degrees


Grade 3 pivot shift indicating gross ligament instability that requires additional procedures


Gross lower leg malalignment requiring bony osteotomies


Muscular, neurological or vascular diseases that influence rehabilitation or surgery


Prolonged use medication use of prednison or cytostatics


Pregnancy during injury or surgery


Osteoporosis that influence rehabilitation or surgery


 Sufficient tissue length for retensioning to femoral insertion

No complete tear at arthroscopy or only one bundle (AM or PL) with proximal tear

 Sufficient tissue quality to withhold sutures

Grade 3 or grade 4 cartilage lesions

 ACL indicates anterior cruciate ligament; MCL, medial collateral ligament; LCL, lateral collateral ligament; PCL, posterior cruciate ligament; PLC, posterolateral corner.