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Table 1 Demographic data of participants of this study and the English language population collected by Wand et al. [20]

From: Validation and investigation of cross cultural equivalence of the Fremantle back awareness questionnaire - German version (FreBAQ-G)


German language sample

(this study)

English language sample

Sample size

n = 272

n = 251

Age (years) mean (SD)

42.4 (±15.8)

48.8 (±13.4)

Height (cm) mean (SD)

173.8 (±9.4)

170.9 (±9.8)

Weight (kg) mean (SD)

75 (±16)

80.6 (±16.7)

Body mass index (BMI), mean (SD)

24.75 (±4.4)

27.6 (±5.2)

Sex female n (%)

167 (61.4)

148 (59.0)

Average back pain intensity (SD)

3.8 (±2)

5.8 (±1.9)

Fear avoidance (FABQ-PA scale) (SD)

9.6 (±5.8)

14.1 (±6)


8.0 (±6)

9.8 (±6.6)

  1. SD Standarddeviation, FABQ-PA scale Fear avoidance beliefs questionnaire-subscale physical activity, FreBAQ Freemantle back awareness questionaire