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Table 2 Patient-reported outcomes among patients diagnosed with moderate RA (n = 102)

From: Direct healthcare resource utilisation, health-related quality of life, and work productivity in patients with moderate rheumatoid arthritis: an observational study

Patient-reported outcome measure


EQ-5D-5L, mean (SD)

 EQ-5D crosswalk index value (n = 102)

0.62 (0.24)

 VAS (n = 99)

62.2 (20.0)

WPAI, median (IQR)

 Absenteeisma (n = 26)

0 (0–1)

 Presenteeismb (n = 28)

20 (10–40)

 Work productivity lossc (n = 26)

20 (10–48)

 Activity impairment (n = 91)

40 (10–60)

 Pain VAS (n = 99), mean (SD)

37.7 (24.0)

FACIT-F, median (IQR)

 Overall (0–160; n = 94)

97 (83.6–104.6)

 Physical well-being sub-score (0–28; n = 102)

21 (14.0–24.0)

 Social/family well-being sub-score (0–28; n = 95)

23 (17.5–26.6)

 Emotional well-being sub-score (0–24; n = 99)

18 (14.0–20.0)

 Functional well-being sub-score (0–28; n = 100)

18 (12.0–23.0)

 Fatigue subscale (0–52; n = 98)

17.2 (11.0–28.8)

Morning Joint Stiffness

 Duration (hours; n = 94), median (IQR)

1.0 (0.3–2.0)

 Severity (n = 101), median (IQR)

4.0 (2.0–6.0)

HAQ-DI, mean (SD)

1.1 (0.8)

 Activities of daily living requiring support, n (%)

  Gripping/opening things

65 (64)


48 (47)

  Reaching for/picking up things

46 (45)


44 (43)


39 (38)

  Cooking and preparing food

37 (36)

  Attending healthcare appointments

37 (36)

  Getting up from sitting or lying down

27 (26)


23 (23)

  Moving around outdoors

22 (22)

  Taking medication

15 (15)

  Moving around indoors, including stairs

14 (14)

  Washing and hygiene

13 (13)

  Leisure activities

13 (13)


8 (8)


5 (5)

Employment status change (in patients who were employed prior to RA diagnosis, n = 54) because of moderate RAd, n (%)

 Stopped work

14 (26)

 Reduced work hours

11 (20)

 Took paid leave

2 (4)

 Took unpaid leave

1 (2)


6 (11)

No changes in employment status because of RAe

22 (41)

  1. EQ-5D-5L EuroQoL- 5 dimension, FACIT-F Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - fatigue scale, HAQ-DI Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index, IQR Interquartile range, RA Rheumatoid arthritis, SD Standard deviation, VAS Visual analogue scale, WPAI Work Productivity and Activity Impairment
  2. a% work time missed
  3. b% work time lost due to reduced effectiveness
  4. cAbsenteeism + presenteeism
  5. dNot mutually exclusive
  6. dIncludes patients who were already retired