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Table 3 Participant characteristics at baseline

From: Exercise-therapy and education for individuals one year after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a pilot randomised controlled trial


Lower-limb focussed group (n=17)

Trunk-focussed group (n=10)

Age, mean±SD years



Sex, no. (% male)

6 (35%)

7 (70%)

Body mass index, mean±SD kg/m2



Pre-injury activity levela, no. (%)

 Level 1 or 2

19 (53%)

10 (100%)

 Level 3

6 (35%)

0 (0%)

 Level 4

2 (12%)

0 (0%)

Concomitant meniscal procedureb, no. (%)

9 (53%)

3 (30%)

Ceased supervised PT, median (IQR) months

7 (6)

6 (5)

  1. SD Standard deviation, PT Physiotherapy
  2. a According to Grindem classification system [32]. Level 1=pivoting/jumping/hard cutting sports (e.g. football), Level 2=pivoting/jumping sports but less intense cutting (e.g. volleyball), Level 3 sports=straight line activities (e.g. running, weight-lifting), and Level 4=sedentary
  3. b at the time of ACLR, reported by participants at baseline assessment