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Table 1 Baseline characteristics and results of the included patients

From: Clinical results of arthroscopic tight fibrous band release for adult moderate-to-severe gluteal fibrosis using anterior and posterior portals: a retrospective analysis of 118 consecutive cases


No. of patients


Age, mean (range)

28.6 (18–42)

Gender (male/female)

58/80 (42%/58%)

History of hip intramuscular injection

100% (both benzyl alcohol and penicillin)

Snapping symptom

138 (100%)

Duration of symptoms, median (range)

25 years (12 month–35 years)

Operation time, mins, mean (range)

18 (10–30)

Blood loss, ml, mean (range)

4 (2–10)

Total days of hospital stay, days, mean (range)

3.85 (1–7)

Length of postoperative hospital stay, days, mean (range)

1.28 (1–6)

Follow-up No. of patients


Follow-up period, months, mean (range)

36 (6–72)


 Post-operative minimal hematomas, n


 Bruising, n


 local subcutaneous edema, n


Pre-op adduction, degree, mean ± standard

−46.4 ± 15.6

Post-op adduction, degree, mean ± standard

22.7 ± 5.1*

No. of patients who were able to crouch with the knees close to each other after surgery

115 (97.5%)

No. of patients who were able to cross the affected leg completely after surgery

114 (96.6%)

Pre-op GD scale, mean ± standard

55.5 ± 10.6

Post-op GD scale, mean ± standard

90.1 ± 5.2*

Patient satisfaction rate

113 (95.8%)

  1. * p < 0.05, Post-op vs Pre-op