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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for study participation

From: Prevention of sickness absence through early identification and rehabilitation of at-risk patients with musculoskeletal pain (PREVSAM): a randomised controlled trial protocol

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Aged ≥18 years

Pain not primarily generated from the musculoskeletal system

Understand Swedish sufficiently to be able to fill out the questionnaires

Sickness cash benefit more than 30 days during the last 12 months due to musculoskeletal pain

Having a paid job or receiving parental leave benefits, unemployment benefits or student aid

Full disability pension or retired due to age

Musculoskeletal pain for less than 3 months during the current episode


Risk for development of persistent musculoskeletal pain and disability, indicated by a score ≥ 40 on the ÖMPSQ-SF

Red flag disorders such as malignancy/ cancer, acute major traumas such as multiple fractures (less than 6 months ago) or infection, spinal cord compression/cauda equina

Independently mobile (with or without aids), to be capable of participating in intervention

Severe mental illness, ongoing substance abuse disorders