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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: The inclusion of mobilisation with movement to a standard exercise programme for patients with rotator cuff related pain: a randomised, placebo-controlled protocol trial

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

1. Age 18–65 years.

1. Shoulder pain following a traumatic event.

2. Unilateral shoulder pain of atraumatic origin.

2. History and clinical presentation compatible with complete rotator cuff and/or biceps brachii rupture.

3. Scoring at least 3 out of 10 on a numeric pain rating scale.

3. Adhesive capsulitis.

4. Symptoms lasting more than 6 weeks.

4. History of dislocation.

5. Pain on active shoulder movement.

5. Glenohumeral osteoarthritis.

6. Pain provoked by at least three of the following tests: Hawkins-Kennedy, Neer, Painful arc, Empty/full can and Resisted external rotation.

6. Cancer

7. Patients referred by a shoulder specialist with diagnosis of rotator cuff injury (tendinitis/tendinosis), subacromial impingement syndrome, bursitis, subacromial pain, that fulfill the criteria above.

7. Systemic, local or auto-immune inflammatory conditions.


8. Previous shoulder or neck surgery or fracture.


9. Familiar pain provoked by neck movements.


10. Presence of radicular signs.


11. Use of corticosteroids over the past six months.


12. Diagnosis of fibromyalgia.


13. Clinical depression.


14. Participants under treament for his/her shoulder condition over the last 3 months.