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Table 3 Criteria for feasibility of the pilot randomised controlled trial

From: Effects of a movement control and tactile acuity training in patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain and control impairment – a randomised controlled pilot study



Operationalisation and unit

Study design

 Recruitment rate

Relation between interested persons, eligible persons and study participants

n study participants / n interested persons [%]; n study participants / n eligible persons [%]

 Recruitment period

Time expenditure for recruitment of study participants

Time [weeks]


Comparability of the randomised groups

Differences in primary outcomes between intervention- and control group at the beginning of the study [p-value]


Practicability and success rate of the blinding of the assessor

Proportion of the participants, who inadvertently reveal their group assignment to the assessor [%]

 Dropout rate


n study participants who have not completed the study according to the protocol/ n study participants [%]



Occurrence of adverse events/ complications

Absolute n of participants who had adverse events or showed aggravated symptoms related to the assessments


Duration of the test battery including the questionnaires in minutes

Time [min]


Participation in assessments and questionnaires

n of declined assessments or questionnaires/ n study participants [%]


Occurrence of floor and ceiling effects

≥ 15% of study participants cannot perform an assessment; ≥ 15% of the study participants have the highest or lowest value of the scale

Missing values in questionnaires or assessments

n missing values / n Items [%]. Critical if the median of missing items in a questionnaire or assessment is ≥10%.


 Extent of the treatment


sessions per week per study participant


Median duration of one session [min]

 Feasibility of the exercises

Refusal rate and estimation of the feasibility by the therapist

n exercises refused/ n exercises offered [%]; structured rating of the feasibility by the therapist

 Acceptance of the intervention

Subjective estimation of the study participants

Standardised personal rating by the participants

 Adverse events

Adverse events or complications, e.g. pain, loss of function, and consultation of a physician

Overall n of adverse events (mild/moderate/severe) which are not, unlikely, possibly, probably or definitely related to the intervention



Training: investigation of the outcomes

Total Duration [min]; cost [€]

Training: execution of the intervention

Total Duration [min]; cost [€]

Screening and examination of the inclusion and exclusion criteria

Total Duration [min]; cost [€]

Investigation of the outcomes

Total Duration [min]; cost [€]

Execution of the intervention

Total Duration [min]; cost [€]

Additional contact to the study staff initiated by the participants (questions and wishes)

Total Duration [min]; cost [€]


Measurement instruments (material costs, license costs, software for the analysis)

Cost [€]

Equipment for the exercises

Cost [€]

Ethics proposal

Cost [€]

Registration of the study

Cost [€]

Recruitment material (Flyer)

Cost [€]