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Table 4 Hypothesis testing; correlations between questionnaires and know group differences

From: Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Dutch language version of the Pictorial Fear of Activity Scale – Cervical

A priori hypothesis

Scales or Groups

(N = number of participants)

PFActS-C-DLV (rs), significance level

Hypothesis Confirmed

(yes / no)

1. The PFActS-C has a moderate to strong correlation (r > 0.5) with the TSK and FABQ

TSK (N = 122)

FABQ (N = 123)

0.528, p < .001

0.516, p < .001


2. The PFActS-C correlates stronger (correlation coefficient at least 0.1 higher) with the FABQ-pa than with FABQ-w

FABQ-pa (N = 123)

FABQ-w (N = 123)

0.540, p < .001

0.367, p < .001


3. The PFActS-C DLV correlates stronger (correlation coefficient at least 0.1 higher) with the TSK Scale and the FABQ-pa than with the NDI, the NPRS-av and the NPRS-max scores

NDI (N = 123)

NPRS-av (N = 123)

NPRS-max (N = 123)

0.488, p < .001

0.389, p < .001

0.300, p = .001


4. The PFActS-C has no significant correlation with age

Age (N = 123)

−0.069, p = .448 (ns)



Median, IQR

Sign. Level


5. The PFActS-C-DLV score is significant higher in participants who reported a (mechanical) trauma in their history than in participants who reported a gradual onset of pain

Gradual onset group (N = 88)

Mechanical trauma group (N = 24)

Mdn = 52.5,

IQR = 89

Mdn = 107.0,

IQR = 78

p = .006


  1. Validity is expressed by Spearman correlations (rs). Abbreviations: FABQ Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire; pa Physical activity; w Work; NDI Neck Disability Index; NPRS Numeric Pain Rating Scale; av. Average; max Maximal; IQR Interquartile Range