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Table 2 Compare the PI between DDH (Crowe type I-III) group and the non-DDH control group. DDH (Crowe type I-III) group has a significantly greater PI than the non-DDH control group. Patients with Crowe type I has a significantly greater PI than the non-DDH control group

From: The severity of developmental dysplasia of the hip does not correlate with the abnormality in pelvic incidence


PI (°)a

Non-DDH Control Group

44.2 (8.8; 41.8–46.6)

DDH (Crowe Type I-III) Group

47.6 (8.2; 45.6–49.9) b

Crowe Type I

48.2 (7.6; 45.2–51.2) c

Crowe Type II

49.6 (9.6; 44.0–55.1)

Crowe Type III

44.0 (7.4; 39.3–48.7)

  1. a Values express mean (SD; 95%CI)
  2. b Significant differences between the DDH (Crowe type I-III) group and the non-DDH controls group at 0.05 level
  3. c Significant differences between patients with Crowe type I and the non-DDH control group at 0.05 level