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Table 3 Time-dependent characteristics of epiligamentous tissue formation

From: The acromioclavicular ligament shows an early and dynamic healing response following acute traumatic rupture

Group (time)

Characteristics of epiligamentous tissue formation

Group 1 (0–7 days)


- synovial coverage of rupture end

- streaky formation of granulation tissue

Group 2 (8–14 days)

Inflammation and epiligamentous tissue formation

- increase of αSMA-positive and fibroblast-like cells

- strong expression of collagen 3

- strong formation of the granulation tissue

- full synovial layer of epiligamentous tissue > 10 days

Group 3 (15–21 days)

Infiltrative granulation, neovascularization

- neovascularization of newly formed granulation tissue

  1. αSMA Alpha-smooth muscle actin