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Table 2 Assignment of research factors and IKDC classification

From: Factors influencing postoperative outcomes in patients with symptomatic discoid lateral meniscus

Factors/IKDC classification


Sex (X1)

male “0”; female “1”

BMI (kg/m2) (X2)

X2 < 18.5 “1”; 18.5 ≤ X2 < 25 “2”; X2 ≥ 25 “3”

Work intensity (X3)

grade 0 ~ 1 “1”; grade 2 “2”; grade 3 ~ 4 “3”

History of trauma (X4)

no “0”; yes “1”

Involved knee joint (X5)

left knee “0”; right knee “1”

Age of onset (year) (X6)

X6 ≤ 14 “1”; 14 < X6< 25 “2”; 25 ≤ X6 < 45 “3”; X6 ≥ 45 “4”

Symptom duration (month) (X7)

X7 ≤ 1 “1”; 1 < X7 ≤ 6 “2”; 6 < X7 ≤ 24 “3”; X7 > 24 “4”

Watanabe type (X8)

type I (complete) “1”; type II (incomplete) “2”

O’Connor type (X9)

no “0”; longitudinal (/bucket handle) tear “1”; horizontal tear “2”; oblique tear “3”; transverse (/radiation) tear “4”; variant tear (including flap, composite, degenerate meniscus tear) “5”

Medial meniscus tear (X10)

no “0”; yes “1”

Outerbridge grade (X11)

no “0”; grade I “1”; grade II “2”; grade III ~ IV “3”

K-L grade (X12)

grade 0 “0”; grade I “1”; grade II “2”; grade III ~ IV “3”

Type of surgery (X13)

Saucerization “1”; Saucerization with repair “2”; Total meniscectomy “3”

Follow-up time (month)(X14)

X14 ≤ 60 “1”; 60 < X14 ≤ 96; X14 > 96

IKDC classification (Y)

< 70 (poor) ~ 70–79 (fair) “1”; 80–89 (good) “2”; ≥90 (excellent) “3”

  1. BMI body mass index, K-L grade Kellgren–Lawrence grade, DLM discoid lateral meniscus, IKDC International Knee Documentation Committee