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Table 4 SF-36 health survey 1 year after the surgery

From: Clinical outcomes of Ti-Ni shape-memory patella concentrator combined with cannulated compression screws in the treatment of C2 and C3 patella fracture: a retrospective study of 54 cases


All patients (n = 54)


 PCS a

63.84 ± 18.45

 MCS a

74.81 ± 14.29

 PF b

80 (65,80)

 RP b

25 (0,100)

 BP b

100 (74,100)

 GH a

65.19 ± 17.05

 VT a

68.06 ± 15.91

 SF a

76.39 ± 18.76

 RE b

100 (58.33,100)

 MH a

77.63 ± 6.97

  1. Abbreviations: PCS physical component summary, MCS mental component summary, PF physical function, RP role-physical, BP bodily pain, GH general health, VT vitality, SF social function, RE role emotional, MH metal health
  2. a: Values are presented as the mean ± SD, b: Values are presented as the median (IQR)