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Table 3 Knee Osteoarthritis Functional Grade (KOFG)* changes in patients after 3 and 6 months of treatment. Values are presented as n (%)

From: The effect of treatment with a non-invasive foot worn biomechanical device on subjective and objective measures in patients with knee osteoarthritis- a retrospective analysis on a UK population



3 months

6 months

Grade 1

117 (25.71%)

190 (41.76%)

197 (43.29%)

Grade 2

207 (45.49%)

193 (42.42%)

196 (43.07%)

Grade 3

95 (20.88%)

62 (13.63%)

52 (11.43%)

Grade 4

36 (7.91%)

10 (2.19%)

10 (2.19%)

  1. Descriptive statistics of patient’s grade distribution over time. The average grade was 2.1 at baseline, 1.8 at 3 months and 1.7 at 6 months. Significant differences were found in paired T-test between baseline and 3 months (p < 0.001) and between baseline and 6 months (p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in mean grade score between 3 and 6 months (p = 0.01) *Grade 1- least severe, Grade 4- most severe