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Table 8 Risk Factors for the onset LBP

From: Prevalence and incidence of low back pain among runners: a systematic review


Risk Factors For LBP

P -Value

Odds Ratio

Clement DB, 1981 [69]

- Leg-length discrepancy

- Reduced hamstrings flexibility

- Reduced back flexibility





Ellapen TJ, 2013 [70]

- Hip flexion angles (female) -(Thomas Test + goniometer)

p < 0.01


Malliaropoulos N, 2015 [64]

- > than 6 years of experience in running

P = 0.012


Woolf SK, 2002 [63]

- Not equal wear of heels1

- BMI ≥ 241

- Not performing Weekly aerobics activity1

- Not Play in contact sports regularly1 (i.e. football, soccer, basketball, wrestling, boxing, rugby

- Not using orthotics + not equal wear of heels1

- Outside pattern of weara,1

- Running without Inside pattern of wear2

- Higher Physical height;

- Flexibility exercises routine for a longer time before working out2

- Not doing Traditional aerobics activity2

p = 0.034

p < 0.01

p < 0.05

p < 0.04

p = 0.011

p = 0.013

p ≤ 0.02

p ≤ 0.02

p ≤ 0.05

p < 0.05

‡1.263 (female ^BMI)

‡1.122 (male ^BMI)

  1. * higher credits as a sum of sex and age of the runner, difficulty level of previous races – positive height difference, the vertical climb index, and the distance in km – and performance.1 Previous LBP; a Subgroup of runners without insert; 2 Current LBP; †value calculated by authors using data from the full-text;‡ value reported directly from the full-text