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Table 3 Physical activity category and level in 108 individuals with CMT and LGMD

From: Self-reported physical activity in people with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in Norway

Diagnosis groups

Physical activity categorya

Physical activity levelb,c

Inactive (%)

Active (%)

Median (IQR)

CMT (n = 58)

22 (37.9)

36 (62.1)

1394.25 (3078.25)

LGMD (n = 50)

26 (52.0)

24 (48.0)

947.00 (2659.50)

Both groups combined

48 (44.4)

60 (55.6)

1194.00 (2651.50)

  1. CMT Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, LGMD Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy.
  2. ap = 0.142 using Pearson’s Chi-square test for physical activity category (significant at p < 0.05)
  3. bp = 0.053 using Mann-Whitney U test for physical activity level difference in both diagnoses (significant at p < 0.05)
  4. cPhysical activity level in MET-minutes/week