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Table 1 Recoding of variables

From: The impact of care process development and comorbidity on time to surgery, mortality rate and functional outcome for hip fracture patients: a retrospective analysis over 19 years with data from the Swedish National Registry for hip fracture patients, RIKSHÖFT


Old categories

New categories

Old categories combined

Admitted from/housing at 4 months

1. Own home

1.Own home


2.Group/service housing

2. Institutional care


3. Full-service unit, nursing home


6. Rehabilitation unit, convalescent home


7. Acute hospital

3. Other


8. Other


Walking ability

1. Could walk alone outdoors

1. Independent walking ability


2. Could walk accompanied outdoors


3. Could walk alone indoors


4. Could walk accompanied indoors

2. Dependent walking ability


5.Could not walk

3. Could not walk

  1. The table describes the recoding made for the different categories regarding housing and walking ability. The recoding was made to facilitate the analysis of the data and to make the results more clinically applicable