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Table 1 Japan Orthopedic Association (JOA) score results

From: Clinical application of large channel endoscopic decompression in posterior cervical spine disorders


1 day pre-op

3 days post-opa

3 months post-opb

12 months post-opc

JOA score

9.25 ± 1.31

13.42 ± 0.97

14.0 ± 0.88

14.67 ± 0.78

  1. JOA scores are presented as mean number ± standard deviation (\( \overline{x} \) ±s, n = 32). “a b c” respectively represents the comparison between 3 days, 3 months and 12 months post-op and pre-op. Analysis using paired t-tests showed that Pa、Pb、Pc<0.001, indicating significant differences were observed