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Table 2 Details of general neck exercises

From: The effects of deep neck muscle-specific training versus general exercises on deep neck muscle thickness, pain and disability in patients with chronic non-specific neck pain: protocol for a randomized clinical trial (RCT)


Participants move their heads slowly up and down without holding at the end ranges.


Participants rotate their heads to the right and left slowly (to see their shoulders), without holding at the end ranges.


Participants bend their heads to the side, bringing their ears close to their right and left shoulders. No holding at the end ranges.


Participants abduct their shoulders by bringing their arms into the frontal plane.


Participants flex their shoulders by bringing their arms into the sagittal plane.


Participants hold their elbows in 90° of flexion and their forearms in pronation. They then move their hands towards and away from their trunks.


Participants try to bring their shoulders up as close to their ears as possible. They then lower their shoulders without holding at the end ranges. (Shoulder shrugs.)


Participants bring their body up on their extended elbows. They then lower their body without holding at the end range.