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Table 5 Preoperative kinetics and kinematics during stance phase for the affected side, non-affected side and healthy controls

From: Are changes in radiological leg alignment and femoral parameters after total hip replacement responsible for joint loading during gait?


affected side

non-affected side

healthy controls

affected vs. non-affected

affected vs. healthy controls

non-affected vs. healthy controls


 KAM_1 (Nmkg− 1)

0.39 (0.17)

0.44 (0.13)

0.45 (0.16)

P = 0.119

P = 0.946

P = 0.410

 KAM_2 (Nmkg− 1)

0.31 (0.13)

0.39 (0.12)

0.43 (0.14)

P = 0.002

P = 0.062

P = 0.840

 HAM_1 (Nmkg− 1)

0.91 (0.21)

0.98 (0.24)

0.90 (0.21)

P = 0.101

P = 0.318

P = 0.058

 HAM_2 (Nmkg− 1)

0.84 (0.20)

0.91 (0.24)

0.76 (0.23)

P = 0.069

P = 0.130

P = 0.032


 FPA (°)

−9.1 (5.5)

−8.8 (4.9)

−5.9 (3.2)

P = 0.794

P = 0.136

P = 0.368

 KneeFlex (°)

16.7 (5.8)

19.5 (6.3)

21.1 (3.9)

P = 0.051

P = 0.134

P = 0.336*

 KneeExt (°)

10.8 (7.2)

5.9 (6.4)

3.2 (3.4)

P < 0.001

P = 0.025

P = 0.671

 KneeRoM (°)

5.9 (4.5)

13.6 (7.4)

17.8 (4.3)

P < 0.001

P < 0.001*

P = 0.620*

 LTD (°)

− 3.7 (2.4)

− 0.9 (2.4)

−1.9 (1.9)

P = 0.007

P = 0.181

P = 0.531

 HipAdd_1 (°)

7.2 (4.4)

6.0 (5.2)

6.8 (5.0)

P = 0.357

P = 0.556

P = 0.978

 HipAdd_2 (°)

6.1 (4.1)

5.3 (4.0)

4.7 (4.8)

P = 0.475

P = 0.361

P = 0.691

 HipFlex (°)

32.7 (10.6)

37.9 (10.9)

33.9 (5.7)

P < 0.001

P = 0.885

P = 0.211

 HipExt (°)

5.7 (14.8)

−5.7 (13.3)

−11.0 (7.1)

P < 0.001

P = 0.013

P = 0.784

 HipRoM (°)

25.6 (7.7)

43.1 (9.4)

43.7 (3.7)

P < 0.001

P < 0.001*

P = 0.104*

  1. Mean values with standard deviation in parenthesis. Comparison between affected and non-affected side (Paired-Samples T-Tests) as well as between affected/non-affected side and healthy controls (Univariate Analysis of Variance). KAM_1 = maximum external knee adduction moment in first phase of stance; KAM_2 = maximum external knee adduction moment in second phase of stance; HAM_1 = maximum external hip adduction moment in first phase of stance; HAM_2 = maximum external hip adduction moment in second phase of stance; FPA = mean foot progression angle in the transverse plane (external rotation (−)); KneeFlex = maximum knee flexion during stance (flexion (+) / extension (−)); KneeExt = maximum knee extension during stance (flexion (+) / extension (−)); KneeRoM = knee range of motion in the sagittal plane during stance; LTD = maximum lateral trunk displacement in the frontal plane during stance (towards the affected stance limb (−)); HipAdd_1 = maximum hip adduction during first phase of stance (adduction (+)); HipAdd_2 = maximum hip adduction during second phase of stance (adduction (+)); HipFlex = maximum hip flexion during stance (flexion (+) / extension (−)); HipExt = maximum hip extension during stance (flexion (+) / extension (−)); HipRoM = hip range of motion in the sagittal plane during stance; significant differences are bold printed; * significant effect of speed