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Table 1 Participants’ demographics

From: Diagnosis and management of lumbar spinal stenosis in primary care in France: a survey of general practitioners

Women, n/N (%)

39/90 (43.3)

Mean age (SD), yearsa

48.3 (11.5)

Mean duration of practice (SD), yearsa

18.4 (12)

Location of practice, n/N (%)

 Private practice

43/90 (47.8)

Maison de Santé Pluriprofessionnelle

22/90 (24.4)


1/90 (1.1)


13/90 (14.4)

 Mixed practice (private and hospital)

5/90 (5.6)


27/90 (30.0)

If hospital activity, specialty of the department

 No hospital activity

69/90 (76.7)

 Emergency medicine

6/90 (6.7)

 Multidisciplinary department of medicine

3/90 (3.3)

 Internal medicine

1/90 (1.1)


4/90 (4.4)


1/90 (1.1)


6/90 (6.7)

Additional training in PRM, neurology or rheumatology (yes), n/N (%)

4/90 (4.4)

Number of people with LSS followed-up a year, n/N (%)


12/88 (13.6)

 < 5

38/88 (43.2)


23/88 (26.1)


14/88 (15.9)

  > 50

1/88 (1.1)

  1. PRM Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
  2. aN = 84