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Table 1 Patient demographics

From: Fourth-generation ceramic-on-ceramic THA results in improvements in midterm outcomes compared to third-generation THA but does not resolve noise problems: a cohort study of a single-hip system


Forte COC (n = 310)

Delta COC (n = 292)

p value

Number of patients (hips)

248 (310)

234 (292)


Agea (years)

50.7 (18–79)

50.5 (18–83)





116 (47)

123 (53)


132 (53)

111 (47)

Affected sideb



163 (53)

155 (53)


147 (47)

137 (47)

BMIa (kg/m2)

23.3 (16.9–39.3)

23.5 (16.8–37.9)


Primary diagnosisb



167 (54)

155 (53)

 Hip dysplasia

55 (18)

47 (16)


49 (16)

54 (18)

 Post-traumatic arthritis

9 (3)

5 (2)

 Sequelae of pyogenic arthritis

11 (3)

8 (3)

 Sequelae of LCP disease

9 (3)

12 (4)

 Rheumatoid arthritis

8 (2)

9 (3)

 Ankylosing spondylitis

2 (1)

2 (1)

Cup sizea (mm)

53.9 (46–62)

54.4 (46–64)


Femoral head sizeb

 28 mm

87 (28)



 32 mm

223 (72)

43 (15)

 36 mm


249 (85)

Duration of follow-upa (years)

6.7 (5–10.2)

5.5 (5–7.4)

  1. a The values are given as the average, with the range in parentheses
  2. b The values are given as the number of hips, with the percentage in parentheses
  3. c The values are given as the number of patients, with the percentage in parentheses
  4. COC ceramic-on-ceramic, BMI body mass index, ONFH osteonecrosis of the femoral head, LCP Legg-Calve-Perthes