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Table 1 Search strategy per database

From: Imaging for Dupuytren disease: a systematic review of the literature


Search query


(“Dupuytren Contracture”[Mesh] OR dupuytren*[tiab] OR palmar fibromatos*[tiab]) AND (“Ultrasonography”[Mesh] OR “ultrasonography” [Subheading] OR “Tomography”[Mesh] OR ultraso*[tiab] OR “radiography” [Subheading] OR echograph*[tiab] OR radiograph*[tiab] OR tomograph*[tiab] OR sonograph*[tiab] OR CT [tiab] OR PET [tiab] OR MRI [tiab] OR imaging [tiab])


(‘dupuytren contracture’/exp. OR dupuytren*:ab,ti OR ‘palmar fibromatosis’:ab,ti) AND (‘echography’/exp. OR ‘radiodiagnosis’/exp. OR ultraso*:ab,ti OR echograph*:ab,ti OR radiograph*:ab,ti OR tomograph*:ab,ti OR sonograph*:ab,ti OR ct:ab,ti OR pet:ab,ti OR mri:ab,ti OR imaging:ab,ti)