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Table 2 Example mapping of COM-B reflective motivation component and TDF domains to intervention content, mode of delivery, core BCTs and intervention functions

From: Developing a group intervention to manage fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis through modifying physical activity


Theoretical domain from TDF

What needs to happen for the target behaviour to occur?


Mode of delivery

Core BCTs

Intervention function

Reflective motivation

Professional/social role and identity

Encourage being active as part of identity

Review and feedback on progress

Identify personal benefits of PA for RA and fatigue

Interactive group education and discussion

Practical PA session with support from course leader

Homework tasks, e.g. implementation of chosen PA between sessions

1.1, 1.5, 2.2, 3.1, 5.1, 8.1, 8.6

Education, Persuasion, Modelling


Beliefs about capabilities

Explore acceptance of having RA and fatigue and its effect on ability

Address confidence with PA

Identify PA that feel capable of doing, that is achievable

Explore current feelings and experiences relating to fatigue and PA

Participate in chosen PA

Review and feedback on progress

Interactive group education and discussion

Practical PA session with support from course leader

Facilitated individual goal setting during practical PA session

Educational support materials, e.g. handouts: goal setting, list of exercises included in practical session, monitoring PA, activity diary, pedometer

Homework tasks, e.g. goal setting task, implementation of chosen PA between sessions

1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.1, 8.1, 8.6, 8.7

Education, Persuasion, Modelling, Enablement



Explore confidence with achieving PA goals

Setting individual goals for PA

Review and feedback on progress

Participate in chosen PA

Interactive group education and discussion

Practical PA session with support from course leader

Facilitated individual goal setting during practical PA session

Educational support materials, e.g. handouts: goal setting, list of exercises included in practical session

Homework tasks, e.g. goal setting task, implementation of chosen PA between sessions

1.1, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 8.1, 8.6

Education, Persuasion, Modelling, Enablement


Beliefs about consequences

Address beliefs about the effects of PA on fatigue and general consequences of PA

Encourage belief that managing PA will have positive benefits for managing fatigue

Address negative beliefs

Identify benefits of PA for RA and fatigue

Introduce and apply principles of graded approaches to PA

Participate in chosen PA

Interactive group education and discussion

Practical PA session with support from course leader

Educational support materials, e.g. handouts: PA in RA, graded approaches to PA, list of exercises included in practical session

Homework tasks, e.g. implementation of chosen PA between sessions

2.3, 2.4, 4.3, 5.1, 5.6, 8.1, 8.7, 9.1

Education, Persuasion, Modelling



Explore plans/intentions to be more active or to manage PA

Encourage formulation of plans to carry out PA and implementation of specific PA goals

Address setbacks and potential barriers to PA

Set individual goals for PA

Review and feedback on progress

Explore barriers and opportunities for implementing PA

Devise plans for managing setbacks

Identify opportunities for continuing and maintaining PA in the longer term

Interactive group education and discussion

Facilitated individual goal setting during practical PA session

Educational support materials, e.g. handouts: goals setting, graded approaches to PA, monitoring PA, managing setbacks

Homework tasks, e.g. goal setting task, complete graded PA plan, formulate setback plan, implementation of chosen PA between sessions

1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1

Education, Persuasion, Incentivisation, Modelling



Explore expectations and desired achievements

Set specific goals for PA

Set individual goals for PA

Review and feedback on progress

Interactive group education and discussion

Facilitated individual goal setting during practical PA session

Educational support materials, e.g. handouts: goals setting, graded approaches to PA, monitoring PA, managing setbacks

Homework tasks, e.g. goal setting task

1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Education, Persuasion, Incentivisation, Modelling

  1. BCT = behaviour change technique; COM-B=Capability, Opportunity, Motivation, Behaviour; PA = physical activity; RA = rheumatoid arthritis; TDF = theoretical domains framework
  2. BCT codes (from BCT taxonomy version 1 [14]): 1.1 = goal setting (behaviour); 1.2 = problem solving; 1.4 = action planning; 1.5 = review behaviour goal(s); 1.6 = discrepancy between current behaviour and goal; 2.2 = feedback on behaviour; 2.3 = self-monitoring of behaviour; 2.4 = self-monitoring of outcome(s) of behaviour; 3.1 = social support (unspecified); 4.1 = instruction on how to perform the behaviour; 4.3 = re-attribution; 5.1 = information about health consequences; 5.6 = information about emotional consequences; 8.1 = behavioural practice/rehearsal; 8.6 = generalisation of target behaviour; 8.7 = graded tasks; 9.1 = credible source