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Table 2 Gait analysis

From: Transfer of plantar pressure from the medial to the central forefoot in patients with hallux valgus


Study group

Control group


Step width [cm]

9.69 (4.06–16.55)

9.30 (4.21–14.39)


Step length HF [cm]

51.57 (35.60–58.72)

57.03 (49.44–62.48)


Step length PF [cm]

52.13 (33.13–59.99)

56.85 (49.52–61.65)






Difference in step length, PF-HF (study group) or left-right (control group) [cm]

.68 (3.58)

.13 (2.06)


Single-limb support HF [%]

35.46 (33.18–43.29)

35.47 (33.55–37.93)


Single-limb support PF [%]

35.50 (30.42–40.16)

34.80 (33.71–37.25)






Difference in single-limb support, PF-HF (study group) or left-right (control group) [%]

−.35 (1.99)

−.47 (1.19)


  1. The longer step was observed on the pathological side in 21 cases, and the longer single-limb support in 16 of 36 cases. Data are presented as median (range) and mean (standard deviation)
  2. Abbreviations: HF healthy foot, PF pathological foot
  3. aWilcoxon test
  4. bMann-Whitney U test
  5. ct-test for independent samples