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Table 1 Characteristics of the participants (n = 40) and non-participants (n = 72) at baseline

From: Correction of leg-length discrepancy among meat cutters with low back pain: a randomized controlled trial





Intervention (N = 20)

Control (N = 20)

Non-participants (n = 72)

Age, mean (SD)

45.5 (9.3)

45.7 (7.6)

47.5 (7.5)

Gender, n (%), women

5 (25)

2 (10)

24 (33)

BMI, mean (SD)

26.6 (4.2)

26.8 (3.6)

27.5 (4.9)

Leg length discrepancy, mean (SD)

9.0 (2.8)

8.0 (3.4)

3.5 (3.7)

Number of days on sick leave due to LBP during the past year, mean (SD)

10.1 (10.2)

7.7 (16.3)

8.3 (18.6)

Visits to physician during the past year, mean (SD)

4.7 (2.0)

4.2 (2.4)


Current smoker, n (%)

4 (20)

6 (30)

18 (25)