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Table 1 Characteristics of the full sample, i.e., those with pain data, covariate data, and either HRV or BRS data (n = 4186)

From: Musculoskeletal pains and cardiovascular autonomic function in the general Northern Finnish population




Sex distributiona

43.3 (1813)

56.7 (2373)

BMIb (kg/m2)

27.2 (4.1)

26.3 (5.0)

LTPA frequency (times/week)

 < 1a

29.8 (540)

23.2 (550)


21.0 (381)

22.7 (538)


34.4 (624)

37.5 (891)

  ≥ 4–6a

14.8 (268)

16.6 (394)

Smoking status


46.9 (850)

57.6 (1367)


31.8 (576)

25.3 (601)


21.3 (387)

17.1 (405)

HSCL-25c (total mean score)

1.20 (1.08–1.44)

1.24 (1.12–1.48)

Comorbidity associated with ANS function


90.3 (1638)

91.3 (2167)


9.7 (175)

8.7 (206)

Medication associated with ANS function


84.5 (1532)

85.4 (2026)


15.5 (281)

14.6 (347)

Characteristics of musculoskeletal pain


3 (2–5)

4 (2–5)

 If pain, its intensityc (NRS)

3 (2–6)

4 (2–6)

 If pain, its frequency (days/year)


5.4 (98)

3.5 (82)


15.4 (279)

10.7 (255)


23.8 (432)

23.2 (551)

  > 30 but not dailya

32.2 (583)

38.1 (904)


20.5 (371)

23.5 (557)

Cardiovascular autonomic function

 HRV data (n = 1813 men, n = 2373 women)

  HR, seatedc (bpm)

70.2 (62.8–78.9)

71.3 (65.0–78.3)

  HR, standingc (bpm)

80.6 (72.2–89.4)

82.3 (74.6–90.6)

  rMSSD, seatedc (ms)

19.9 (13.0–29.8)

23.8 (15.7–35.1)

  rMSSD, standingc (ms)

12.6 (8.2–18.5)

12.8 (8.4–19.2)

 BRS data (n = 919 men, n = 1112 women)

  SBPV, seatedc (mmHg2)

5.70 (3.37–9.48)

5.46 (3.00–9.04)

  SBPV, standingc (mmHg2)

9.00 (5.07–15.83)

7.55 (4.21–12.65)

  BRS, seatedc (ms/mmHg)

6.57 (4.76–9.35)

6.22 (4.41–8.49)

  BRS, standingc (ms/mmHg)

4.75 (3.22–6.67)

4.16 (3.01–5.90)

  1. aPercent (number of individuals), bMean (standard deviation), cMedian (interquartile range)
  2. ANS Autonomic nervous system, BMI Body mass index, BRS Baroreflex sensitivity, HR Heart rate, HRV Heart rate variability, HSCL-25 Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25, LTPA Leisure-time physical activity, NPS Number of pain sites, NRS Numerical rating scale, rMSSD root mean square of the successive differences in R-R intervals, SBPV Systolic blood pressure variability