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Fig. 2 | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Fig. 2

From: Interview based malnutrition assessment can predict adverse events within 6 months after primary and revision arthroplasty – a prospective observational study of 351 patients

Fig. 2

Health related quality of life in primary and revision arthroplasty comparing different nutritional status. Part 1 and 2: Figure two part one and two describe the values of health related quality of life at hospital admission and six months following surgery in all eight SF-36 dimensions comparing primary arthroplasty (pAP), revision arthroplasty (rAP) and the whole study population (overall). A pre- to postoperative improvement of HRQL can be found according to all eight dimensions. Part 3 and 4: Part three and four show the eight SF-36 dimensions of the whole study population according to all three nutritional scores comparing the nutritional status (Malnutrition vs. No Malnutrition) at hospital admission and six months following surgery. HRQL is preoperatively decreased. Patients being at risk for malnutrition before surgery show statistically significant lower values in physical (PF, RP, BP, GH) as well as mental dimensions (SF, RE, MH). In comparison to the preoperative SF-36 results, the values of the patients with risk for malnutrition are adjusting to the values of the patients with a regular nutritional status. PF: Physical Functioning; RP: Role Physical; BP: Bodily Pain; GH: General Health; VT: Vitality; SF: Social Functioning; RE: Role Emotional; MH: Mental Health; pAP: Primary Arthroplasty; rAP: Revision Arthroplasty; HRQL: Health related quality of life

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