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Table 1 Treatment protocols for pertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures in the two treatment groups

From: Comparison and analysis of reoperations in two different treatment protocols for trochanteric hip fractures – postoperative technical complications with dynamic hip screw, intramedullary nail and Medoff sliding plate

Fracture type

Fixation method

Treatment protocol: MSP/DHSa

Treatment protocol: IMN/DHSb



Stable - 2 fragmentsc



Unstable - 3 or more fragmentsc

MSP biaxial


Unstable - no lateral and/or no posterior supportc

MSP uniaxial (locked)





Intertrochanteric comminution and/or subtrochanteric extensiond




MSP uniaxial (locked)



Fracture extension below >2 of

IMN or


MSP plate screwse

long DHS

  1. aMedoff sliding plate (MSP) / dynamic hip screw (DHS)
  2. bIntramedullary nail (IMN) / dynamic hip screw (DHS)
  3. cChoice of treatment based on Jensen Michaelsen and Seinsheimer classifications including analysis of lateral and posterior support
  4. dChoice of treatment based on intertrochanteric fracture comminution or subtrochanteric fracture extension
  5. eApproximately 10 cm below the lesser trochanter