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Table 4 - Quotes related to Management of symptoms

From: The pathway to consultation for rheumatoid arthritis: exploring anticipated actions between the onset of symptoms and face-to-face encounter with a healthcare professional

Quote number

Quote (participant no/disease quote refers to)

No self-management of symptoms


Well, I’d very likely put up with it for a while, you know, do - rub it, or whatever. Pink, you know, it’s - I’ll let it go for a while (p31/RA with swelling)


I mean if your joints are swollen and sensitive I don’t know what you can do (p24 /RA with swelling)


I think if it was blood, I would go and see the doctor, because there’s nothing you can do about that (p20/bowel cancer)


I mean there’s not really any way that you could take any sort of medication for anything (p12/angina)


I wouldn’t even contemplate doing anything myself I would just go to the doctors immediately, as soon as I saw blood in my stool I wouldn’t even contemplate any sort of preventative or – or you know any action to make it better I would just go and see the doctor straight away (p07/bowel cancer)

Active monitoring


I’d want to monitor that a bit. It depends really on what sort of heaviness and what sort of tightness, if it was particularly tight (p16/angina)

Manage, treat or prevent the symptom(s).


Well, I’d then likely take some paracetamol … stretching and, manipulating … trying some kind of soaking in warm water perhaps or anti-inflammatory gels, rubs, that sort of thing (p01/RA)


I think people say, you know, move them, move your body, you know, don’t be lazy. The more you move and do exercises, it’s all part of whole (p02/angina)


I wouldn’t even contemplate doing anything myself I would just go to the doctors immediately, as soon as I saw blood in my stool I wouldn’t even contemplate any sort of preventative or – or you know any action to make it better I would just go and see the doctor straight away (p07/bowel cancer)


If it’s a pain in the chest, … I keep some …Gaviscon, is it? (p31/angina)


Well I think you’ve got to watch your diet and your lifestyle … if you know you’re sort of tending to drink a bit heavily you’d sort of think well I’d better moderate this or smoking is the prime example, if you were a smoker you should give up definitely and diet you know you’ve got to sort of watch what you eat, make sure that you eat sort of healthily (p14/angina)


If it’s something which I can help myself – take things a bit easier, you know, do – if you sort of – if you do strenuous activities then you experience more problems, which I think as you get older you do, then you stop trying to do such strenuous things (p28/angina)


Take my inhalers, sit down and relax. Check if that works (p26/angina)