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Table 4 Unadjusted (raw) prevalence of symptoms in the last 12 months

From: Risk assessment of manual handling operations at work with the key indicator method (KIM-MHO) — determination of criterion validity regarding the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms and clinical conditions within a cross-sectional study

Body region by gender*

Risk category 1 (Reference)

Employees in jobs with low MHO, < 10 points KIM-MHO

Risk category 2

Employees in jobs with MHO, 10 – 24 points KIM-MHO

Risk category 3

Employees in jobs with MHO, 25 – 49 points KIM-MHO

Risk category 4

Employees in jobs with MHO, ≥ 50 points KIM-MHO

All employees


n = 306

n = 75

n = 59

n = 73

n = 513

 neck/cervical spine

201/304 (66.1%)

51/75 (68.0%)

50/59 (84.7%)

58/73 (79.5%)

360/511 (70.5%)

 shoulder/upper arm

64/306 (20.9%)

13/75 (17.3%)

16/59 (27.1%)

24/73 (32.9%)

117/513 (22.8%)


42/306 (13.7%)

17/75 (22.7%)

18/59 (30.5%)

38/73 (52.1%)

115/513 (22.4%)


78/306 (25.5%)

17/75 (22.7%)

29/59 (49.2%)

53/73 (72.6%)

177/513 (34.5%)

 lower back/lumbar spine

107/303 (35.3%)

20/75 (26.7%)

42/59 (71.2%)

51/73 (69.9%)

220/510 (43.1%)


n = 498

n = 173

n = 23

n = 239

n = 930

 neck/cervical spine

244/498 (49.0%)

80/173 (46.2%)

18/23 (78.3%)

124/236 (52.5%)

466/930 (50.1%)

 shoulder/upper arm

60/498 (12.0%)

29/173 (16.8%)

6/23 (26.1%)

54/236 (22.9%)

149/930 (16.0%)


72/498 (14.5%)

26/173 (15.0%)

4/23 (17.4%)

85/232 (36.6%)

187/926 (20.2%)


91/498 (18.3%)

36/173 (20.8%)

11/23 (47.8%)

137/235 (58.3%)

275/929 (29.6%)

 lower back/lumbar spine

117/498 (23.5%)

47/171 (27.5%)

15/22 (68.2%)

172/239 (72.0%)

351/930 (37.7%)

  1. *Unadjusted (raw) prevalence of symptoms in the last 12 months for different body regions by exposure to manual handling operations (MHO) according to KIM-MHO risk categories. Number of cases with symptoms/number of all available subjects (percentage of cases to all subjects)