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Table 2 Relationship between QTF categories and global perceived effect (GPE)

From: Leg pain location and neurological signs relate to outcomes in primary care patients with low back pain

QTF categories

2 weeks, proportion improved

% (95% CI)

3 months, proportion improved

% (95% CI)

12 months, proportion improved

% (95% CI)

Chiropractic patients

P < 0.01*

General practice patients

P < 0.01*

Chiropractic patients

P = 0.2*

General practice patients

P = 0.2*

Chiropractic patients

P = 0.4*

General practice patients

P = 0.5*

All patients

74 (70–77)

36 (31–42)

82 (79–85)

60 (54–66)

73 (23–30)

54 (48–60)

‘LBP alone’

77 (73–81)

49 (38–60)

82 (78–85)

69 (58–78)

74 (69–78)

53 (42–65)

‘LBP + leg pain above the knee’

72 (64–79)

43 (28–60)

85 (79–90)

66 (49–80)

75 (67–81)

66 (48–80)

‘LBP + leg pain below the knee’

61 (46–74)

19 (9–38)

73 (59–83)

46 (29–65)

63 (49–76)

54 (34–72)


40 (17–68)

20 (7–45)

87 (55–97)

56 (31–78)

73 (43–91)

44 (20–70)

  1. Proportions improved after 2 weeks, 3 months and 12 months
  2. LBP low back pain, NRI nerve root involvement
  3. *P-value for an overall association between QTF categories and GPE