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Table 2 Associations of regular status and the teammate quantity index with the prevalence of pain

From: Is being a regular player with fewer teammates associated with musculoskeletal pain in youth team sports? A cross-sectional study


Non-regular players with a high TQIa

Non-regular players with a low TQIa

Regular players with a high TQIa

Regular players with a low TQIa

p for interaction


 Overall, case/n (%)

80/189 (42.3)

48/121 (39.7)

47/116 (40.5)

93/179 (52.0)


 Crude PR (95% CI)

1 (reference)

0.94 (0.66–1.35)

0.95 (0.67–1.33)

1.22 (0.91–1.64)


 Adjusted PR (95% CI)b

1 (reference)

0.94 (0.64–1.37)

0.98 (0.69–1.41)

1.24 (0.89–1.74)


Specific location

 Upper limb, case/n (%)

23/189 (12.2)

15/126 (11.9)

16/117 (13.7)

35/179 (19.6)


 Crude PR (95% CI)

1 (reference)

0.97 (0.51–1.83)

1.10 (0.59–2.05)

1.59 (0.96–2.64)


 Adjusted PR (95% CI)b

1 (reference)

0.69 (0.34–1.39)

1.11 (0.57–2.16)

1.04 (0.57–1.89)


 Lower back, case/n (%)

16/192 (8.3)

8/123 (6.5)

13/116 (11.2)

39/183 (21.3)


 Crude PR (95% CI)

1 (reference)

0.90 (0.39–2.08)

1.28 (0.63–2.61)

2.45 (1.38–4.36)


 Adjusted PR (95% CI)b

1 (reference)

0.92 (0.38–2.22)

1.10 (0.52–2.33)

2.08 (1.07–4.02)


 Lower limb, case/n (%)

53/189 (28.0)

36/123 (29.3)

33/115 (28.7)

55/179 (30.7)


 Crude PR (95% CI)

1 (reference)

1.04 (0.69–1.56)

1.00 (0.66–1.51)

1.13 (0.78–1.62)


 Adjusted PR (95% CI)b

1 (reference)

1.06 (0.69–1.62)

1.03 (0.67–1.58)

1.19 (0.79–1.80)


  1. Abbreviations: CI confidence interval, PR prevalence ratio, TQI teammate quantity index. Sample sizes (denominators) of number counts vary because of missing values, although the PRs were calculated by multiple imputed data sets. Students were divided into two categories by the median of the index (<1.3, 1.3+). A high TQI indicates more teammates in their clubs with consideration for each sport type.
  2. aTQI = [number of teammates in their grade]/[required number of players for the sport]
  3. bAdjusted for sex, age, body mass index, sleep length, screen time, school, and sports activity time