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Table 3 Overview of Outpatient Individual Programme (IP Group) and Residential (MDT Group) Study Treatment Schedule

From: A comparison of multidisciplinary team residential rehabilitation with conventional outpatient care for the treatment of non-arthritic intra-articular hip pain in UK Military personnel – a protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Outpatient (IP) Protocol

Residential (MDT) Programme

Session 1 (45–60 mins)a

Day 1

• Subjective and objective assessment (20–25 mins)

• Admission MDT clinic and baseline measures

• Patient education (5-mins)

Day 2

• 1–2 manual therapy techniques (5–10 mins)

• Group-based introduction to treatment goal 1

• Teach target exercise from treatment goalsc 1 and 2 (15–20 mins)

• Group-based introduction to treatment goal 2

• Confirm home-exercises (5-min)

• Individual therapy appointments in accordance with patient timetable (PT/OT)b

Session 2 (45–60 mins)

Day 3

• Subjective and objective re-assessment (10-mins)

• Group-based introduction to treatment goal 3

• Patient education (5-mins)

• Group-based introduction to treatment goal 4

• Manual therapy techniques (15–20 mins)

• Group-based education topic 1 (‘about hip pain’)

• Teach revised home exercises; check log-book (15–20 mins)

• Individual therapy appointments in accordance with patient timetable (PT/OT)

Sessions 3 to 8 (30–40 mins)

Day 4

• Subjective and objective re-assessment (5-mins)

• Group-based introduction to treatment goal 5

• Manual therapy techniques (15-mins)

• Consolidate individual patient exercise programme

• Patient education & advice (5-mins)

• Group-based education topic 2 (‘activity modification’)

• Progress home-exercises; check log-book; address adherence issues (15-mins)

• Individual therapy appointments in accordance with patient timetable (PT/OT)


Day 5


• Group-based exercise targeting individual patient priorities


• Group-based education topic 3 (‘benefits of exercise’)


• Individual therapy appointments in accordance with patient timetable (PT/OT)


Day 6


• Group-based exercise targeting individual patient priorities


• Group-based education topic 4 (‘pain management’)


• Individual therapy appointments in accordance with patient timetable (PT/OT)


Day 7


• Confirm individual home-based exercise programme; issue log book;


• Discharge clinic with multi-disciplinary team

Follow-up period

Follow-up period

• 4 to 6 home exercises, 3-times per week

• 4 to 6 home exercises, 3-times per week

  1. aTiming does not include baseline outcome measures; bPT = Physiotherapist; OT = Occupational Therapist; c Explanation of treatment goals are contained in Additional file 1