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Table 2 Socio-demographic data for the survey cohort (n = 1811) and the clinical cohort (n = 219)

From: Self-management of musculoskeletal hand pain and hand problems in community-dwelling adults aged 50 years and older: results from a cross-sectional study in a UK population


Survey cohort (n = 1811)

Clinical cohort (n = 219)


66.7 (9.6)

65 (8.2)

Gender (female)

1267 (70 %)

159 (73 %)

Socio-economic classification (1/2/3)b

257 (16 %)

46 (21 %)

228 (15 %)

33 (15 %)

1068 (69 %)

106 (48 %)

Living alone (yes)

496 (29 %)

40 (18 %)

Age left schoola

14.9 (1.0)

15.2 (1.1)

Went on to full-time education after leaving school (yes)

177 (10 %)

33 (15 %)

Gained qualifications as an adult (yes)

501 (28 %)

90 (41 %)

AUSCAN functiona

18.6 (6.3)

17.9 (6.0)

AIMS2 functiona

4.0 (2.4)

4.0 (2.4)

AUSCAN paina

10.0 (3.4)

9.9 (3.5)

  1. amean (standard deviation)
  2. bthe three class version of the National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) was used [36]: 1 = higher managerial/professional and lower managerial/professional occupations; 2 = intermediate occupations; 3 = lower supervisory/technical, semi-routine and routine occupations; AUSCAN AUStralian CANadian Hand Osteoarthritis Index, AIMS2 Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2; Scoring range for AUSCAN function = 0–36, with higher scores indication poorer function; Scoring range for AIMS2 hand and finger function = 0–10, with higher scores indicating poorer function; Scoring for AUSCAN pain = 0–20, with higher scores indicating more pain; data subject to missing data (although questionnaires were returned by 1811 people, not all of the questions within the questionnaires had been completed by every respondent)