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Table 1 Biomechanical adaptations of load carriage to potentially optimize metabolic cost and minimise injury risk

From: Effects of two neuromuscular training programs on running biomechanics with load carriage: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Potential positive adaptation

Biomechanical changes with load

Potential negative adaptation

• Transfer energy from proximal to foot segment [64]

• ↑ Energy stored as elastic energy [65]

↑ Ankle negative power mid-stance [6]


• Accelerates leg into extension to ↑ energy transferred to proximal segments [64]

↑ Knee positive power late stance [6]

• ↑ Hip extension deceleration of trailing thigh segment for preparation into hip flexion swing [66]

• Transfers energy from trunk to trailing stance limb to prepare into swing [64]

↑ Hip negative power late stance [6]

• ↑ Elastic energy recovery [67]

• Avoid excessive vertical COM excursion and maintain ground reaction force alignment to stance limb [68, 69]

↑ Leg stiffness [70]

• Architecture of triceps-surae muscle tendon unit makes it an efficient force generator [65]

Small role for inter-joint work redistribution [71]


↑ Hip adduction late stance [6]

• Asymmetrical loading on knee soft tissues [72]

↑ Knee and ankle flexion mid-stance [6]

• ↑ COM vertical excursion [70]

• ↑ Patellofemoral joint compression pressure and ↑ Achilles tendon compression [73, 74]

  1. ↑ = Increase; ↓ = Decrease