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Table 2 Rehabilitation protocol (identical for both groups)

From: Norwegican Cartilage Project - a study protocol for a double-blinded randomized controlled trial comparing arthroscopic microfracture with arthroscopic debridement in focal cartilage defects in the knee

Rehabilitation phases


Physiotherapy and activities

Criteria for progression to next phase

1st phase: Accomodation

- Reduce symptomsa

- Normalize ROM og muscle control

- Education/coaching

- ROM, isometric exercises

- Gait training (no weight-bearing for two weeks)

- No symptoms during ADL

- Flexion 90°

- Normalized quadriceps

2nd phase: Rehabilitation

- Full ROM

- Normalize muscle strength and joint stability

- Stationary bike cycling

- Progressive knee and hip resistance training

- Neuromuscular training

- Full ROM

- No symptoms after training

- Equally distributed weight on the lower limbs during weight-bearing exercises

- Ability to stand on 1 limb on a flat surface for at least 10 s

3rd phase: Return to activity

- Recovery of strength and neuromuscular control

- Return to activity/sport

- Knee and hip resistance training

- Neuromuscular training

- Cardiovascular training

- Return to activity/sport based on individual assessment

  1. a Symptoms = pain and swelling