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Table 1 Selection criteria of participants

From: The Shoulder Function Index (SFInX): evaluation of its measurement properties in people recovering from a proximal humeral fracture

Inclusion criteria

- 18 years or older

- Isolated proximal humeral fracture, or proximal humeral fracture-dislocation with similar clinical presentation after reduction

- Available for recruitment within one year (365 days) post-fracture

- Any treatment received for proximal humeral fracture before or during study participation

- Ability to complete English-language questionnaires and to follow simple instructions in English

- Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire score 6–10 (indicates intact or mildly impaired cognitive functioning)

Exclusion criteria

- Other serious medical issues from the trauma (e.g. hip fracture, wrist fracture, nerve lesion, traumatic brain injury, muscle ruptures)

- Potentially confounding medical conditions (e.g. hemiplegic arm, previous shoulder surgery, re-fracture, severe rheumatoid arthritis)