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Table 1 Published estimates for GCA and PMR prevalence

From: The prevalence of giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica in a UK primary care population


Country; survey type; age threshold

GCA and PMR prevalence


Kyle et al. 1985 [5]

UK; GP practice based survey; ≥ 65 years.

GCA: 1.23 % (95 % CI 0.38 to 2.08)

PMR: 1.69 % (95 % CI 0.70 to 2.68)

GCA: Jones and Hazleman

PMR: Jones and Hazleman

Koboyashi et al. 2003 [20]

Japan; Hospital only treated patients in 1997; ≥50 years

GCA: 0.002 %

GCA: ACR 1990

Lawrence et al. 2008 [7]

Salvarni et al., 1999 [8].

Doran et al. 2002 [9].

USA; Olmsted County survey of cumulative incidence 1950–1999; ≥50 years

GCA: 0.28 % (95 % CI, 0.19–0.27) -

PMR: 0.74 % (95 % CI, 0.67–0.81)

GCA: ACR 1990

PMR: Doran et al.

Mohammad et al. 2011 [21]

Skåne,Sweden; survey of cumulative incidence 1997 – 2010; ≥50 years

GCA: 0.11 % (95 % CI, 0.10–0.12).

GCA: Temporal artery biopsy positive only

Herlyn et al. 2014 [10]

Germany; Survey of hospitals, private physicians and insurance companies in 2006; ≥50 years

GCA: 0.04 % (95 % CI 0.04 to 0.05)

GCA: ACR 1990

Salaffi et al. 2005 [24]

Italian MAPPING study; population survey; age ≥65 years

PMR: 0.37 % (95 % CI 0.29–0.44)

PMR: Bird et al.

Bernatsky et al. 2009 [23]

Canada; hospital record survey, cumulative incidence 1995–2006; ≥50 years

PMR: 0.64 % (urban); 0.86 % (rural)

PMR: Physician billing twice within 2 months or stated on hospital discharge.

Pamuk et al. 2009 [19]

Turkey. Single rheumatology department in a tertiary referral centre, cumulative incidence, ≥50 years

PMR and GCA: 0.02 %

GCA: ACR 1990

PMR: Chuang et al.