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Table 6 Summary of key finds the main outcomes

From: Multidisciplinary approaches to managing osteoarthritis in multiple joint sites: a systematic review




Quality of Life (QoL)

Health care utilisation

Hopman-Rock & Westhoff (2000) [16]

The IRGL pain subscale indicated that the experimental group reported fewer pain symptoms at the post-test assessment than the control group. Pain (VAS) showed a positive effect of the intervention on the experimental group

There was no improvement in IRGL mobility. No significant differences were found for extension, flexion, exorotation or endorotation of the hips and knees. The strength of knee extensors improved in both legs in post-test assessment. MANOVA showed a statistically significant improvement in strength of left knee extensor. No statistically significant improvements were seen in the functional tasks of walking, timed up-and-go, stair climbing and toe reaching as both groups improved.

Whilst QoL (VAS) remained stable at the post-test assessment in the experimental group, it had decreased in the control group. At F/U this was no longer found.

No statistically significant differences were found in the use of medication or on the number of GP consultations. Physical therapy consultations were reduced

van Baar et al. (2001) [19]

At 24 weeks (12 weeks after completion of treatment), a beneficial effect was seen for pain during the past week. Compared with the post-treatment level (week 12) the effect size had declined to 0.36, indicating a small to moderate effect.

At 24 weeks no effects were found for self-reported disability, muscle strength, and range of motion. Similar effects were found at week 36.


There was a reduction in the use of paracetamol at 24 weeks that remained stable at 36 weeks F/U

Rosemann et al. (2007) [18]

Statistically significant improvements were seen for the ‘Symptom’ component of the AIMS2-SF in intervention group 2.

No statistically significant improvements in IPAQ sores

Statistically significant improvements were shown for the lower body, symptom and social components of the AIMS2-SF

There was a statistically significant reduction in orthopaedic referrals in intervention group 2 and x-rays in intervention groups 1 & 2

Hansson et al. (2010) [17]

No improvements were shown for ASES pain scores. EQ-5D scores reduced in the experimental group.

There was no statistically significant improvement in ASES function, GAT or SOLEO but there was a statistically significant improvement on SOLEC

There was a statistically significant improvement in the EQ-5D VAS but not the EQ-5D index.


  1. Key: AIMS2 Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale, ASES Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale, EQ-5D Euro QoL, European Quality of Life measure, GAT Grip Ability Test, IPAQ International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IRGL Impact of Rheumatic Disease on General Health and Lifestyle, VAS Visual Analogue Scale, SOLEO Stand On One Leg Eyes Open; SOLEC Stand On One Leg Eyes Closed