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Table 4 Primary and Secondary Outcome measures

From: Exercise and load modification versus corticosteroid injection versus ‘wait and see’ for persistent gluteus medius/minimus tendinopathy (the LEAP trial): a protocol for a randomised clinical trial

Primary outcomes



4 weeks

8 weeks

12 weeks

26 weeks

52 weeks

 Average Pain over the last week

11-point Pain Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), with terminal descriptors of 0 = ‘no pain’ and 10 = ‘worst pain possible’

 Perceived overall change in condition of Hip

Global Rating of Change Scale


Secondary Outcomes



 Global Impact of pain

Lateral Hip Pain Questionnaire


Patient Specific Functional Scale

 Quality of life


 Muscle strength

Static painfree abductor muscle strength



 Muscle Function

Active Lag Abductor Muscles



 Pain Catastrophising

Pain Catastophising Scale



 Pain and Function


 Pain Self-Efficacy

Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire

 Physical Activity Levels

Active Australia Survey

 Economic Costs



  1. EuroQoL European quality of life questionnaire, PHQ-9 patient health questionnaire-9; OCC-Q osteoarthritis costs and consequences questionnaires